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Vegetarian Lentil "Meatballs"



1 1/2 cup cooked brown lentils

1 Red Onion

2 Large Garlic Cloves

2 Cups Fresh Mushrooms

2 Large Sprigs of Fresh Parsley (no Stems)

i Tbsp Olive Oil

1/2 Lemon

3/4 Cup Bulgar Wheat or Breadcrumbs

1 Egg (optional)

Salt and Pepper to Taste

Additional Olive Oil or Sunflower Oil for saute

You may also add any combination of the spices you like best:

Powdered cumin, fennel, garlic powder, etc.


Cook 1 1/2 cup of lentils with 3 1/2 cups of water

(Do not add add salt here, as it will increase the cooking time of beans)

When they are about finished cooking, add the Bulgar Wheat or Breadcrumbs.

Complete cooking and set aside


Finely chop Onion, Garlic, Mushrooms and the Parsley.





I find using kitchen scissors on the parsley makes it much easier to manage

and allows for a very fine chop.


Put Parsley aside.

Add Mushrooms, Garlic and Onions to saute pan with Olive Oil.

Saute untill all the water has been released from the mushrooms and the mixture is well cooked and almost dry.



Get a large mixing bowl and combine:

- the lentils/bulgar mixture

- the mushroom saute mixture

- the fresh chopped parsley

- juice of 1/2 lemon (being mindful that no lemon seeds get into the bowl)

- salt and pepper to taste

- any other optional spices


Mix well untill all ingredients are througholy combined.

For those who are NOT vegan, you may add one egg at this stage to help binding, but it works just as well if you prefer to skip this ingredient.


Heat your saute pan to medium-high heat and add additional olive oil or sunflower oil to saute. Grab your scooper or use a regular spoon to take small amounts and roll into 'Meatballs".


Satue until all side are golden brown



Delish and healthy!

May be eaten with grainns to form a complete protein, or enjoy with veggies and a cilantro chutney....



Be Well!

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Sattvic Sage Ayurveda

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