Ayurvedic Ear Oil Recipe -
Ayurvedic Ear Oil Recipe

We celebrate the beauty of autumn and prepare for the onset of cold and frost of winter. We see the trees change to a burning blaze of red and orange and know it is time for change.
We, as humans have seasons just like the earth. All living things do.
During times of transition it’s important to remember these things, and be present with your thoughts and intentions.
With the change of the seasons, we step into a whole new energy. Each season is different with different purposes and different vibrations. Each season has it’s own energy to help us accomplish exactly what is meant to be done during these times.
Nature always provides us with exactly what we need in just the right moments. Don’t you agree?
To feel the transition fully, it’s important to nourish, strengthen and transition the body gently into this new weather and vibration.
One of my favorite immune builders is Ayurvedic ear oil, which you can easily make at home in just a few minutes. It helps to deter viruses and bacteria and protects your ears from the cold winds of winter.
What you’ll need:
1/3 cup organic virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic – chopped
Throw the oil and chopped garlic into a pot and bring it to a simmer.
Let the oil bubble and pop to release all the liquid. Press the garlic with a fork to help it release. It’s done when the oil doesn’t pop anymore, it should take about 5 minutes.
Once your garlic oil is done cooking, let it cool, and then strain to separate it from the garlic.
Lastly, pour the strained liquid into an eyedropper bottle or tincture glass.
Using your ear oil:
Before using ear oil, always run the bottle under hot water to warm the oil. This makes the experience quite soothing.
Drop in enough oil to fill one ear and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Now tilt the head and allow the oil to drain out, and do the other side for another 5 minutes.
It’s a good idea to start doing this once every few weeks to keep your ears clear and your immune system strong. If you’re already sick, fill your ears once every hour, until your symptoms go away, you will feel better so quickly.
I also recommend getting your body outside as much as ossible. Fully feel the air and the moisture, the smell of the earth. Make sure your body is just as aware of the season’s changing vibes as you are. This prevents us from getting sick, or experiencing “shock” or confusion about the physical and emotional changes that can come with the seasonal transition.
Be well! Naturally!