Facebook EVENTS Page Shows
ALL Events at Various Locations
PHOENIX: 1782 S. 237th Ave Buckeye AZ 85326
CHICAGO: 16W501 Nielson Ln Willowbrook IL 60527
sattvicsage@gmail.com 708-334-9362
Small Groups or Large Groups!
I offer space for 1 - 100+ in Workshops, Classes, Ceremony, Yoga & Meditation, Events & Retreats
I share the Ayurveda / Yoga Relationship with various Yoga Studios & YTT Courses in both Phoenix & Chicago
I offer Professional full color handouts, High-quality Audio & Visual equipment
(including HD Projector, projection screens, wireless microphones & speaker system),
as well as all supplies needed for enjoyable experiences.
see current scheduled Courses, classes and Workshops at new 'BOOKING & SCHEDULING' PAGE
See my Event Registration Page
for Current Schedule of Offerings!
Contact me anytime to schedule at your location
Therapies for Mind, Body & Spirit
Workshops & Classes
ALL Classes are Yoga Alliance CEU Eligible
Certificates of Completion provided for RYTs
ALL Online Classes Include Handouts & Access to Session Recording
Workshops, Yoga Classes & Gatherings
The 10 Laws of Spiritual Maturity
Dharma Talk: Discussing the 10 Laws of Perception that allow for higher thinking and living a peaceful life.
Understanding the 'Pancha Klesha', the human traits that are the root cause of all suffering.
90 Mins $29 / Person
Ayurveda & Yoga For Self-Care Series - January 15, 2025
12 Sessions - Approx 30 Hours
The most in-depth introductory set of classes allowing you to fully embrace Āyurvedic Concepts & Theory, the relationship to Yoga
and how to incorporate all elements into Self-Care for yourself and your family.
Presentation, Prakruti Evaluation, Slide Handouts, Access to each Session Recording for 1 Month
Sign up for Series includes 144 page Ayurveda For Self Care eBook
Group Class Rates: $499 / Full Series or $49 / Session (12 Sessions)
Next Group Class Starts Jan 15, 2025!
Private Student 1-on-1 (Contact Me Directly) $998 / Full Series (Payable in 2 Installments)
Introduction to Ayurveda: Vibrant Health for Mind, Body & Spirit
Full intro and slideshow presentation to introduce Ayurveda Concepts, Doṣas and healing modalities based on your unique design.
This Workshop is open to anyone wanting to know more about Ayurveda and how it offers balance & health.
Presentation, Prakruti Evaluation & Full-Color Handouts
3 Hours $49 / Person
Ayurveda for Weight Loss - March 2, 2025
Introduction of Ayurveda Concepts for Attaining & Maintaining a Healthy Weight
Dinaćarya: How Weight Gain is related to Circadian Rhythm
Ritućarya: Seasonal Cleansing / Fasting for Weight Loss
Ayurveda Psychology: The Relationship of our Mind & Emotions
Ayurveda Foods / Exercise, The 6 Tastes & Food As Medicine
Improper Food Combinations, Ayurveda Eating Guidelines
Embracing Prana Transference & Where To Start
Presentation, Full-Color Handouts & 'HOW TO' Step by Step Implementation of your path to Health!
3.5 Hours $49 / Person
Ayurveda for Women
Introduction of Ayurveda Concepts
Concepts of Creation & Śaktī Prāṇa (Divine Feminine)
Doṣa Concepts / Cycles in all Time
Relationship with The Maiden, The Mother, The Crone
The Doṣas, The Moon & The Menstrual Cycle
Ayurveda Stages of a Woman's Life
Female Fertility & Healthy Childbearing
Tribal Support in Fertility, Childbirth & Postpartum
Recognizing & Balancing Menstrual Disturbance
Healthy Menopause & Natural Hormone Balance
Śaktī, Prakrti & Full Moon Chant
Presentation, Full-Color Slide Share Handouts
3.5 Hours $49 / Person
Healing Food & Plants: The 6 Tastes of Ayurveda Medicine
Introduction to Doṣas, the qualities of each person's elemental makeup. Introduction to FOOD AS MEDICINE.
Discover your Prakruti (your unique design) and what foods are Balancing or Aggravating for you~
Learn Food Function and how different foods balance and heal each person in a different way.
Āyurvedic Herbology takes Herbal Medicine to the next Level - Learn Herbal Medicinal constituents for the way YOU are made ~
As well as Herbs for pain, colds/flu, Anxiety & much more!
Presentation, Prakruti Evaluation & Full-Color Handouts
3 Hours $49 / Person
Ayurvedic Psychology: Healing THE Mind - February 9, 2025
Introduction of Ayurveda
The Vedic Perspective on Emotions
Introduction to Sānkhya Philosophy
Doṣa Guna: Vata, Pitta, Kapha
Anxiety, Anger & Depression
Paṅca Koṣa: 5 Fields / 3 Bodies
Doṣa Cycles related to the way we feel
Prana, Tejas, Ojas Explained
Maha Guna: Our Mental/Emotional State
Doṣic Relationship Sattva, Rajas & Tamas
Convergence In All:
- Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Prana, Tejas, Ojas, Sattva, Raja, & Tamas
Step - by - Step Suggestions on lifestyle protocols to offer Balance Emotions and Feel Better
Specific Practice & Steps to Take to Process & Balance
- Ayurveda 5 Sense Therapies
- Specific Foods, Specific Yoga, Specific Meditation
Includes Presentation, Full-Color Handouts, In-Depth Discussion / Q&A
3.5 Hours $49 / Person
Ayurvedic Medicine: An Herbal Workshop
~ Turn your kitchen into your own Farmacy ~
Boost your immunity and treat yourself naturally! Learn to Make Your Own Herbal Medicine.
Let's Get In The Kitchen Together - Hands On!
Warming or Cooling Herbal Teas, Soothing Cough Syrup, Spice Extracts, Tinctures & Natural Antibiotics
Healthy, Natural & Powerful Alternatives to treat common colds, flu and other ailments
Includes Presentation, Demonstration, Instruction, Recipes & Taste Testing!
4 Hours $69 / Person
Ayurvedic Bath & Body Care
Want to reduce the amount of Chemicals you put on your body?
Fun Workshop on Making All-Natural Products for Body, Bath & Beauty Care.
Facial & Body Scrubs, Skin Cleansing & Moisturizing, Hair & Skin Oils & More!
Let's Get In The Kitchen Together - Hands On!
Includes Presentation, Demonstration, Instruction & Recipes
3 Hours $49 / Person
Intro to Panchakarma: The Ayurvedic Body Therapies
History of Ayurveda & Ayurvedic Texts
Cleansing: Why Do we Need to Cleanse the Body? How can we do so safely?
Panchakarma Stages: Preparation, Purification & Rejuvenation
What are the Body Therapies? Abhyanga, Śirodhara, Shiro-Abhyanga, Udvartana, Garshana, Kati Basti,
Nasya, Karna Purana, Five Sense Therapy, Marma Therapy (Energy Healing) & Marma Therapy Facial
Presentation & Discussion
90 Mins $19 / Person
For Kids (Ages 4-7)
Our 5 Senses - What we See, Hear, Taste, Touch & Smell
Group interaction and song~.
Includes small boards with different textures for kids to describe what they feel.
Thought provoking on how our 5 senses allow us to learn about the world around us.
30 Mins $10 / Child
For Teens (Ages 12-17)
Breathing: The Practice of Pranayama for Stress
Group interaction and discussion about stress and anxiety that may come from:
Heavy Schoolwork & Exams
Fitting In & Peer Pressure
Social Media
Family Dynamics
- How to breathe through situations that may cause anxiety
- What to do if a panic attack occurs
- How finding time away from technology is crucial for our health
- Technology Addictions
1 Hour $15 / Teen
MANIFEST: Yogic Life vs. Yoga Class
In-Depth Discussion on Yoga Beyond The Physical
The 5 Points of Yoga
The 7 Types of Yoga
The 8 Limbs of Yoga
Dinacharya - Daily Routines for Health
Sadhana - The Practice of Sacredness
Yogic Diet with High Vibration & Alkaline Foods
Finding Balance, Self-Care & Stress Coping Practices
Includes Presentation, Discussion, In-Depth Full-Color Handouts
3 Hours $49 / Person
Mantra, Mudra, Mala
YOGA WITH DEEPER UNDERSTANDING: Traditional Teachings & Practice
Vibrational Healing through Mantra Chant
Prana Flows, Doṣa Balancing through Mudra Hand Gestures
Traditional Mala Use
Presentation, Practice & Discussion
2 Hours $29 / Person
Chakra-Balancing Certification: The Energy Body
YOGA WITH DEEPER UNDERSTANDING: Traditional Teachings & Practice
Origins of Chakra Knowledge
Fundamental Knowledge of Trinities
Sattva, Rajas, Tamas / Kapha, Pitta, Vata / Prana, Tejas, Ojas / Sushumna, Pingala, Ida
Yoga Anatomy of 3 Bodies:
Physical (Sthūla Śarīra), Astral (Sūkṣma Śarīra), Casual (Karaṇa Śarīra)
Yoga Anatomy of 5 Fields of Existence:
Panćakoṣa: Annamaya Koṣa, Prāṇamaya Koṣa, Manomaya Koṣa, Vijñānamaya Koṣa, Ānandamaya Koṣa
Directional Energy Flow of 5 Paṅca Vayus:
The 5 Directions of Vata & Creating Optimal Flow of Prana
Prana Physiology:
3 Main Energies of Prana Transference in the Universe
How these energies apply to a Human Being
Chakra Energy Centers in Fine Detail:
Relationship to Dosha, Anatomy, Physiology, Endocrine System, Mentally, Emotions & Spiritual Spaces
Types of Energetic Imbalance: Physical, Mental/Emotional, Spiritual
Class Includes Presentation, Discussion, Guided Meditation for Self-Regulation & Hand-On Practice
Yoga Alliance CEU/YACEP Eligible
FULL DAY 8 Hours $279 / Person Group Rate
Yoga Roots: Ancient Texts, Sutras & The Bhagavad Gita
Learn the Ancient & Definitive Texts, Samhitas & Sutras written on The Yoga Practice
Introduction to The GITA:
Discover the true Yogic path, Sankyha Philosophy & the teachings of Maha Guna ~ Sattva, Rajas & Tamas
Presentation & Discussion
2 Hours $29 / Person
Healthy Living Through Yoga
Origins & Philosophy, 8 Limbs of Yoga, Styles & Popularity Today, Myths, Finding Balance,
Practice & Benefits, Breath & Movement, Suggested Books & Resources
Let's Practice : Sun A Salutation in Steps - learning supports, options and proper form
Presentation, Discussion, Surya Namaskar Physical Practice
2 Hours $29 / Person
Yoga Asana, Pranayama & Dhyana Workshops
Yoga For Anxiety
Postures for deep grounding, with focus on hips, pelvic floor and low back.
Practice includes nourishment of nervous system with Rooting of Muladhara Chakra energy~
Aromatherapy with luxurious Essential Oils from Egypt
Guided Meditation & Deep Pranayama Breathwork
90 Mins $29 / Person
Yoga Therapy For Anxiety & Insomnia
Yoga Therapy is very different than the average Yoga Class. It is aimed at physical therapy to aid in healing. It may be offered only by those with 1000s of hours in training in Yoga Asana, Body Mechanics, Joints, Tissues, Western Anatomy & Physiology and more.
Session includes Aromatherapy, Weighted Eye Pillows & Self-Guided Marma Therapy of the Face, Head and Neck.
90 Minute Class of Gentle movements and focused diaphragmatic breath to bring ease and healing to the Nervous System.
Learn Deep & Focused guided attention to continue this practice at home before bed or anytime anxiety starts the circular thought pattern.
Calm the Mind / Encourage Deep Sleep.
Class will start seated on the mat with contemplation of Apana Vayu (grounding Muladhara Ćakra energy down the spine) including Mantra & Mudra, then move to lying on the back using a block to deeply penetrate stiff neck muscles and Learn / practice guided Self Marma Therapy of the face, head & neck to reduce pressure and pain.
Class will end using feet on a wall to deeply relieve compressed spinal nerves and ease back muscles. You will depart feeling like you have had a complete release of all tension in the body through the use of gravity, breath, self-massage, stretching and grounding movements.
90 Mins $49 / Person
Yoga Therapy For Migraines
Yoga Therapy is very different than the average Yoga Class. It is aimed at physical therapy to aid in healing. It may be offered only by those with 1000s of hours in training in Yoga Asana, Body Mechanics, Joints, Tissues, Western Anatomy & Physiology and more.
Session includes Aromatherapy, Chilled Weighted Eye Pillows & Self-Guided Marma Therapy of the Face, Head and Neck.
90 Minute Class of Gentle movements and focused diaphragmatic breath to bring ease and healing to the Nervous System.
Learn Deep & Focused guided attention to continue this practice at home before bed or anytime a headache or migraine arises.
Class will be lying down on the mat. Learn gentle postures and breath that reduce nausea associated with Migraines.
Learn to use a block to deeply release pressure and pain in the occipital space and what essential oils help to ease the mind and release pressure in the sinus cavity.
It will include Learning the practice of Self Marma Therapy of the face, head & neck to reduce pressure and pain.
Class will end using feet on a wall to reverse gravitational blood flow.
90 Mins $49 / Person
Yoga Therapy For Chronic Pain
Yoga Therapy is very different than the average Yoga Class. It is aimed at physical therapy to aid in healing. It may be offered only by those with 1000s of hours in training in Yoga Asana, Body Mechanics, Joints, Tissues, Western Anatomy & Physiology and more.
Being someone who has experienced chronic pain since age 19, I'm very familiar with the effects of chronic pain on our entire being, both physically and mentally.... and the challenge of experiencing it within society since it is not a visible ailment.
Back Pain? Joint Pain?
Fibromyalgia? Stiffness?
Burning Sensations?
Includes highly potent Boswellia Analgesic Oil from Egypt & Aromatherapy to further calm the pain sensory system.
90 Minute Class of Gentle movements and focused diaphragmatic breath to bring ease and healing to the joints and the spine.
Learn Deep & Focused guided attention to the Nervous System to continue this practice at home.
Class will start standing, with tips on how to position the feet / knees to reduce compression in all major joints and spinal discs, then move to being seated on the mat to learn ‘stack sitting’ and rolling weight to the femur bones, then move to lying on the back (with supports) using a block to deeply penetrate stiff neck muscles and end with using feet on a wall to deeply relieve compressed spinal nerves and ease back muscles.
You will depart feeling like you have had a complete release of all tension in the body through the use of gravity, breath, self-massage, stretching and somatic movements.
90 Mins $49 / Person
Alignments of Body & mind
Practice of aligning the body in Yoga Āsana (Postures)
Discussion & (Light) Physical Adjustments Offered (not mandatory)
Allowing understanding of Prana Flow through the body & cultivating stillness and focus in the mind
Includes Large, 25 pg Full-Color Handout of Proper Posture Alignments
2.5 Hours $39 / Person
Restorative Escape
Restorative Yoga Postures, Aromatherapy with luxurious Essential Oils from Egypt, Crystal Sound Bowls
Guided Meditation & Deep Pranayama Breathwork
90 Mins $29 / Person
Yoga Nidrā & Meditation
The body is asleep but the mind is awake and an active participant in the healing process.
Lie on your mat, in the most comfortable way, with a bolster and blanket.
This guided meditation will take you on a journey deep inside, into the Beta State, using your
own awareness to remove blockages and support the healing of your body and mind.
90 Mins $29 / Person
yoga TEACHER Specific Workshops
Yoga Practice Professional Development
Where to Start: Fundamental Practice Management
Independent? Employee? Both?
Required Business Documentation, Income & Tax Considerations
Organizational Structure & Communication
Scope of Practice, Ethics, Code of Conduct, Client/Student Waivers
Registration with Yoga Alliance
Includes Presentation, Handouts, Step-By-Step Process, Discussion / Q&A
4 Hours $69 / Person
Teaching Methodologies
Deeper Understanding & Teaching Skills in TRADITIONAL Practice
Perhaps you have completed your YTT 200 or YTT300, but wish to study deeper, Traditional teachings.
Perhaps you are comfortable with Hatha or Vinyasa, but would like to add knowledge & offerings in different styles.
Learn MORE about
Hatha, Vinyasa, YIN, Restorative, Pregnancy & Chair Asana Practice
Dig Deeper into Yogic Philosophies, Pranayama, Meditation or Yoga Nidrā.
Understand Yoga For Your Doṣa.
Includes Presentation, Handouts, Practice, Discussion / Q&A
Time & Rates will vary based on desired topic(s). Reach out to me anytime to Inquire!
YTT~ Ayurveda & Yoga Relationship Levels 1 & II
Popular Class for Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) ~ Both YTT200 & YTT300 - Also Open to the Public
Full intro and slideshow presentation to introduce Ayurveda Concepts, healing modalities and specifically 5 Prana Vayus.
This Workshop is more in-depth, geared toward Yoga Teachers & Students, but also open to anyone wanting to know more about Ayurveda, as well as why it's relationship to Yoga.
YOGA IS FOR EVERYBODY - But what Type of Yoga is based on Doṣa.
Presentation, Prakruti Evaluation & Full-Color Slide Share Handouts
Level 1 - (200HRYTT): Up to 4 Hrs $49 / Student
Level 2 - (300HR YTT): Full Day $108 / Student
Interested in adding the above Class to your YTT Training? Contact me anytime for Group Student Rates :)
Yoga Nidrā Certification - Nov 17, 2024
Learn the traditional practice of holding space in Yoga Nidrā, a Journey among the deepest possible states of relaxation, while still maintaining consciousness. In Nidrā, we are not asleep, but cognizant of the dream environment. We cultivate and manifest Sankalpā (our deep resolve). Nidrā is the state where one enters, stays, and exits the state of deep dreamless sleep - with full awareness.
Yoga Nidrā results in Conscious Awareness and great depth in Healing.
Course Includes:
**In-Depth Lecture
**Nidrā Experience
**Yoga Nidrā E-Book
**44 Yoga Take Home Nidrā Scripts
Also Applies to Yoga Alliance CEU
Includes Presentation, Handouts, Step-By-Step Process, Discussion / Q&A
FULL DAY 8 Hours $279 / Person
With a Joyful Heart & Infinite Love, I bow to Mother Earth
I offer Ceremony in the presence of my Earth-bound Family of Brothers & Sisters
Conducting within:
Healing Circles
Fire Circles
Drum Circles
Homa Fire Rituals
The 4 Directions
The Labyrinth
The Medicine Wheel
Mother Earth's Garden
By Way of:
Vedic Chant
Shamanic Guided Meditation
Sound Journey
In Celebration of:
Plant Medicine
Energy Medicine
Stone Medicine
Releasing What No Longer Serves
Opening Intentions to the Universe
The Divine Feminine ~ Shakti
Sharada Navratri - Durgā Ma
Solar Cycles of Solstice & Equinox
Moon Cycles
The Great Spirit
Our Ancient Ancestors
Expectant Mothers
New Child
The Rainbow Warriors
day events & retreats
Yoga Retreat
Customize Your Day!
Choosing any of the above Workshops and/or Classes and pair it with any of the following:
-Gentle Flow
-Power Flow
-Hot Flow
Guided Meditation
Mandala Art
Chakra Balancing
Potluck Meal
Sound Healing
-Tank Drum
-Shruti Box
-Tibetan Singing Bowls
Drum Circle
Fire Ceremony
Events from 4 Hours - 9 Hours
Price per person varies on length and customization
Group Ayurveda Day
Presentation: What is Ayurveda/How Does It Heal?
Explanation of the difference in Doshas/Body Constitutions
Personal Doshic Assessments for Rasayana Treatments
- Questioning and Physical Exam
- Tongue and Pulse Analysis
- Ph Balance Testing - Are you acidic or alkaline?
- Recommendations on nutrition, digestion, sleep, exercise, ph balance, etc.
- Based on individual constitution assessments
Cooking Demonstration / Handouts
How to make Nourishing Ghee, that hydrates and aids in digestion
How to make homemade cheese as excellent protein source
Will offer additional discussion with Q&A, handouts on healthy body cleansing,
digestive health, adapting to the season, recipes and teas.
Includes Presentation / Q&A, Consultations, Assessments, Recommendations,
Cooking Demo, Tasting, Handouts, Recipes, Supplies~
6 hours $250 / person Minimum of 6 people
Ayurvedic Beauty & Restoration Day
Presentation (Shortened Version): What is Ayurveda/How does it heal?
- What are the best skin and hair treatments for each Dosha and Why?
- What are the best Aromatherapy scents to use for each Dosha and why?
Let's make some all natural products!
-Facial Scrub, Mask and Moisturizing Facial Oil for Vata, Pitta or Kapha
-Aromatherapy Abhyanga & ShiroAbhyanga Oils for each Dosha
-Self-Application Facials
-Abhyanga Demo and Application
-ShiroAbhyanga Demo and Application
-Guided Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation
Will offer additional discussions with Q&A, handouts on healthy body cleansing,
adapting to the season, homemade herbal medicine, recipes and teas.
Feel relaxed, refreshed and beautiful!
Includes Presentation / Q&A, Herbs, Oils and Powders, Treatment Demos/Applications,
Handouts, Recipes, Supplies and Yoga Nidra~
6 hours $225 / person Minimum of 6 people
Prices Based on 30 Mile Travel Distance from my location in Buckeye, AZ
Additional prices added & based on any extended travel required.